Legend of the Wu-Tang ClanWu-Tang ClanAño: 2004Canciones del disco 'Legend of the Wu-Tang Clan'C.R.E.A.M.Method ManProtect Ya NeckWu-Tang Clan Ain't Nuthing ta Fuck WitCan It Be All So Simple / IntermissionShame On A NiggaDa Mystery of Chessboxin'ReunitedIt's YourzTriumphGravel PitProtect Ya Neck (The Jump Off)Sucker MC'sUzi (Pinky Ring)Shaolin WorldwideDiesel+ Wu-Tang ClanLetra A Better TomorrowLetra C.r.e.a.m.Letra TriumphLetra Protect Ya Neck (the Jump Of)Letra Execute ThemLetra Never AgainLetra TearzLetra Careful (click, Click)+ Letras de Wu-Tang Clan Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos Foro