Phoenix RisingThe TemptationsAño: 1998Canciones del disco 'Phoenix Rising'Here After (Interlude)StayFalse FacesHow Could He Hurt YouI'm Calling You (Interlude)This Is My PromiseMy LoveTempt MeIf I Give You My HeartTake Me In Your ArmsThat's What Friends Are ForJust Like I Told YouStay - Remix Version+ The TemptationsLetra Baby, Baby I Need YouLetra Camouflage (version 1)Letra For Once In My LifeLetra MemoriesLetra Angel Doll (en español)Letra Born To Love YouLetra Build Me Up ButtercupLetra Camouflage (version 2)+ Letras de The Temptations Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos Foro