FLCL No.1: AddictThe PillowsAño: 2000Canciones del disco 'FLCL No.1: Addict'Last DinosaurRide On Shooting StarSad Sad KiddieCARNIVALRUNNERS HIGH (FLCL version)?????? ?????? (Instant Music)StalkerSTALKER GOES TO BABYLONONE LIFEHybrid RainbowBeautiful morning with youSleepy HeadBran-new LovesongCome DownAdvice (FLCL Verison)Little busters+ The PillowsLetra Little bustersLetra Thank you, my twilightLetra Lesser hamster no yuuutsuLetra One LifeLetra Across the MetropolisLetra Blue Drive MonsterLetra Crazy SunshineLetra Hybrid Rainbow+ Letras de The Pillows Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos Foro