Unsung EPThe ChariotAño: 2005Canciones del disco 'Unsung EP'Yanni DeppPhil Cosby (Before There Was Atlanta, There Was Douglasville)Vin Afleck (Goodnight My Lady and a Forever Farewell)Kenny Gibler (Play the Piano Like a Disease)Sargeant Savage (Die Interviewer (Germanickly Speaking))Donnie Cash (The Company, the Comfort, the Grave)+ The ChariotLetra They Faced Each OtherLetra Vin Affleck (Goodnight My Lady And A Forever Farewell)Letra Forgive Me NashvilleLetra The Two Dead BoysLetra And Shot Each OtherLetra Back to BackLetra They Drew Their SwordsLetra Yanni Deep+ Letras de The Chariot Discografía Biografía Ranking Foro