The Very Best OfThe CallingAño: 2011Canciones del disco 'The Very Best Of'Wherever You Will GoAdrienneThings Will Go My WayCould It Be Any HarderOur LivesJust That GoodAnythingWhen It All Falls DownStigmatizedUnstoppableNothing’s ChangedFinal AnswerSurrenderOne By OneDreaming in RedLostYour HopeWherever You Will Go (acoustic)+ The CallingLetra Wherever You Will Go (en español)Letra Hold on to youLetra AdrienneLetra AnythingLetra Chasing The SunLetra Could It Be Any HarderLetra Dreaming In RedLetra Final Answer+ Letras de The Calling Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos ForoBiografía de The CallingThe Calling: Un Viaje Musical