Watch This de Swollen Members

Watch This

Swollen Members


Mad Child starts off the lyrics with a bold declaration of his prowess, comparing himself to a tough act to follow and daring listeners to try and match his level of skill. He exudes confidence and a hint of aggression, making it clear that he's not one to be messed with. His raw energy and adrenaline shine through as he proclaims his success and the rewards of hard work.

The chorus serves as a powerful anthem, signaling a new beginning and the rise of Swollen Members in the music scene. The song commands attention and demands that 'motherfuckers burn it up' as the group asserts their dominance and determination to make a mark.

Prevail steps in with a fierce verse, wielding words like weapons and painting a vivid picture of his menacing persona. His delivery is sharp and calculated, leaving no doubt that he means business. The imagery of fire and brimstone adds to the intensity of his message, establishing him as a force to be reckoned with.

Moka Only injects a dose of swagger into the mix, showcasing his versatility and creative flair. He talks about overcoming challenges and turning a profit, emphasizing the importance of staying true to oneself and making the most out of opportunities. His playful wordplay and laid-back delivery bring a different dynamic to the song, adding depth and richness to the overall tone.

In essence, 'Watch This' is a declaration of strength, resilience, and unwavering determination. Each artist brings their unique style and perspective to the table, combining forces to create a powerful and impactful track that commands attention and leaves a lasting impression on listeners.

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