The Post-Apocalyptic ServantSinisterAño: 2014Canciones del disco 'The Post-Apocalyptic Servant'The Science of ProphecyThe Macabre GodThe Sculpture of InsanityThe End of All That ConquersThe Masquerade of an AngelThe Dome of PleasureThe Post-Apocalyptic ServantThe Art of Skin DecorationThe SaviourThe Burden of Mayhem+ SinisterLetra Moralistic SufferingLetra Enslave The WeakLetra 18th Century HellfireLetra The Cursed MayhemLetra Diabolical SummoningLetra Judicious MurderLetra Early Gothic HorrorLetra Altering The Beast+ Letras de Sinister Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos Foro