Once Upon A TimeSimple MindsAño: 1985Canciones del disco 'Once Upon A Time'Once Upon A TimeAll The Things She SaidGhostdancingAlive and KickingOh JunglelandI Wish You Were HereSanctify YourselfCome A Long WayDon't You (Forget About Me)Sanctify Yourself - Edit+ Simple MindsLetra Colours Fly And Catherine WheelLetra Don't you forget about me (en español)Letra Underneath The IceLetra All For YouLetra AndrogynyLetra Careful In CareerLetra Chelsea GirlLetra I Wish You Were Here+ Letras de Simple Minds Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos ForoBiografía de Simple MindsSimple Minds: Una Historia Llena de Estrellas