Holographic UniverseScar SymmetryAño: 2008Canciones del disco 'Holographic Universe'MorphogenesisTimewave ZeroQuantumleaperArtificial Sun ProjectionThe Missing CoordinatesGhost Prototype I: Measurement Of ThoughtFear CatalystTrapezoidPrism and GateHolographic UniverseThe Three-Dimensional ShadowGhost Prototype II: Deus Ex Machina+ Scar SymmetryLetra Holographic UniverseLetra RetaliatorLetra The illusionistLetra Deviate from the normLetra Carved in stoneLetra ChaosweaverLetra 2012 - The Demise of the 5th SunLetra Reborn+ Letras de Scar Symmetry Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos Foro