Discografía de Sacred Steel8 discos de Sacred SteelThe Bloodshed SummoningSacred Steel(2013)Carnage VictorySacred Steel(2009)Hammer of DestructionSacred Steel(2006)Wargods of MetalSacred SteelReborn in SteelSacred SteelBloodlustSacred SteelIron BlessingsSacred SteelSlaughter ProphecySacred Steel+ Sacred SteelLetra Heavy metal to the endLetra By steel we ruleLetra Carnage rules the fields rof deathLetra The rites of sacrificeLetra Sacred steelLetra Sword of the kingLetra Purified by painLetra Trapped in hell+ Letras de Sacred Steel Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos Foro