Hank Williams the Roy Orbison WayRoy OrbisonAño: 1970Canciones del disco 'Hank Williams the Roy Orbison Way'Kaw-LigaHey Good Lookin'Jambalaya (On the Bayou)(Last Night) I Heard You Crying In Your SleepYou Win AgainYour Cheatin' HeartA Mansion On The HillI Can't Help It (If I'm Still In Love With you)There'll Be No Teardrops TonightI'm So Lonesome I Could Cry+ Roy OrbisonLetra Oh Pretty WomanLetra I Drove All Night (en español)Letra I Drove All NightLetra Blue AngelLetra FallingLetra Blue BayouLetra GoodnightLetra Breakin' Up Is Breakin' My Heart+ Letras de Roy Orbison Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos ForoBiografía de Roy OrbisonRoy Orbison: El Hombre de Negro