Monster R.E.M.Año: 1994Canciones del disco 'Monster 'What's The Frequency, Kenneth?Crush With EyelinerKing Of ComedyI Don't Sleep, I DreamStar 69Strange CurrenciesTongueBang and BlameI Took Your NameLet Me InCircus EnvyYou+ R.E.M.Letra Losing My ReligionLetra Losing My Religion (en español)Letra Everybody HurtsLetra HarborcoatLetra Bittersweet MeLetra CameraLetra DaysleeperLetra Its The End Of The World As We Know It (and I Feel Fine)+ Letras de R.E.M. Discografía Biografía Curiosidades Ranking Fotos ForoBiografía de R.E.M.R.E.M.: La Historia de una Banda Icónica