What We Saw from the Cheap SeatsRegina SpektorAño: 2012Canciones del disco 'What We Saw from the Cheap Seats'Small Town MoonOh MarcelloDon’t Leave Me (Ne me quitte pas)FirewoodPatron SaintHowAll the RowboatsBallad of a PoliticianOpenThe PartyJessicaCall Them BrothersThe Prayer of François Villon (Molitva)Old Jacket (Stariy Pedjak)+ Regina SpektorLetra FidelityLetra MusicboxLetra LoveologyLetra Chemo limoLetra The flowersLetra SamsonLetra Poor litle rich boyLetra Lacrimosa+ Letras de Regina Spektor Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos ForoBiografía de Regina SpektorRegina Spektor: La Voz Versátil que Cruza Fronteras