It's Hard to Find a FriendPedro The LionAño: 1998Canciones del disco 'It's Hard to Find a Friend'Of Up and Coming MonarchsThe Longer I Lay HereBig TrucksSuspect Fled the SceneBad Diary DaysThe Longest WinterWhen They Really Get to Know You They Will RunOf Minor Prophets and Their Prostitute WivesThe BellsThe Secret of the Easy YokeThe WellPromise+ Pedro The LionLetra Second BestLetra Amazing LoveLetra Letter From A Concerned FollowerLetra A Mind Of Her OwnLetra Almost ThereLetra April 6, 2039Letra Bad Things To Such Good PeopleLetra Bands With Managers+ Letras de Pedro The Lion Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos Foro