Journey to the Centre of the EyeNektarAño: 1972Canciones del disco 'Journey to the Centre of the Eye'PreludeAstronaut's NightmareCountenanceThe Nine Lifeless Daughters of the SunWarp OversightThe Dream Nebula, Pt. 1The Dream Nebula, Pt. 2It's All in the MindBurn Out My EyesVoid of VisionPupil of the EyeLook Inside YourselfDeath of the Mind+ NektarLetra Gallo de peleaLetra S.c.o.r.p.i.o.n.s.Letra Mi TrokaLetra 1,2,3Letra Chinguen a su madReLetra Dolor de amor+ Letras de Nektar Discografía Biografía Ranking Foro