OrgasmatronMotorheadAño: 1986Canciones del disco 'Orgasmatron'Deaf ForeverNothing Up My SleeveAin't My CrimeThe ClawMean MachineBuilt for SpeedRidin' with the DriverDoctor RockOrgasmatronOn the Road [Live]Claw (Alternate Version)(we are) the roadcrew - live+ MotorheadLetra Dancing On Your GraveLetra EvolutionLetra All Gone To HellLetra Slow danceLetra Ace Of Spades (en español)Letra Killed by deathLetra On the roadLetra Ace Of Spades+ Letras de Motorhead Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos ForoBiografía de MotorheadMotörhead: Leyendas del Heavy Metal