Motion in the OceanMcFlyAño: 2006Canciones del disco 'Motion in the Ocean'We Are The YoungStar GirlPlease PleaseSorry's Not Good EnoughBubble WrapTransylvaniaLonelyLittle JoannaFriday NightWalk In The SunHome Is Where The Heart IsDon't Stop Me NowSilence Is A Scary Sound+ McFlyLetra IF U C KateLetra Shine a light (en español)Letra ObviouslyLetra Saturday NightLetra I've got youLetra You've got a friendLetra UltravioletLetra Please please+ Letras de McFly Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos ForoBiografía de McFlyMcFly: Una Historia de Amistad y Éxito