All the Greatest HitsMcFlyAño: 2007Canciones del disco 'All the Greatest Hits'Five Colours in Her HairAll About YouStar GirlObviouslyThe Heart Never LiesPlease PleaseRoom on the 3rd FloorDon't Stop Me NowI'll Be O.K.That GirlBaby's Coming BackTransylvaniaThe Way You Make Me FeelDon't Wake Me Up+ McFlyLetra IF U C KateLetra Shine a light (en español)Letra ObviouslyLetra Saturday NightLetra I've got youLetra You've got a friendLetra UltravioletLetra Please please+ Letras de McFly Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos ForoBiografía de McFlyMcFly: Una Historia de Amistad y Éxito