Mago De Oz

Desde mi cielo

Mago De Oz


This beautiful song by Mägo de Oz, titled 'From My Sky,' speaks of love, farewell, and the enduring connection between two souls. It conveys a heartfelt message of longing and comfort from beyond the grave. The narrator, who has passed away, reassures their loved one that they will always be watching over them from the heavens, offering solace in times of darkness and guidance in moments of doubt.

The lyrics express a deep sense of gratitude and love towards the person left behind, acknowledging the sacrifices and suffering that may have occurred during their time together. The narrator urges their loved one to remember the good times, to smile, and to find joy in the memories they shared.

Despite the pain of separation, the song carries a sense of peace and acceptance, portraying death not as an end but as a continuation of love and protection from above. The narrator pledges to watch over their loved one, to comfort them in their dreams, and to chase away any fears or doubts that may linger.

In essence, 'From My Sky' is a touching ode to eternal love and the belief that even in death, the bond between two souls remains unbreakable. It is a reminder to cherish the moments shared with those we love and to find solace in the knowledge that they will always be watching over us, guiding us from above.

Letra de Desde mi cielo
Vídeo de Desde mi cielo

Ranking de Mago De Oz

  • Mago De Oz está en la posición 47 del ranking de esta semana, su mejor puesto ha sido el 16º en abril de 2019.

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