FU4E de Lost Kings


Lost Kings (ft. Lauren Aquilina)


Bang bang, the familiar sound of hurtful words hitting me like bullets, causing me to slowly bleed out without even realizing it. I gave you everything you desired, but in return, you offered me nothing in return. There are unspoken words lingering in the air, weighing heavy on my mind.

Expressing frustration at your assumption that I would easily forgive and forget your offenses, each one piercing deep under my skin. Despite my promise to always stand by you as a friend, it seems you have exhausted all the goodwill I had for you. You wasted my precious time and energy, leaving me with nothing but resentment.

You stormed into my life like a destructive force of nature, leaving behind a trail of scars that have now blossomed into newfound strength. You may believe you have me trapped, but I see through your facade. I see you for who you truly are.

The chorus repeats, emphasizing the hurt, anger, and sense of betrayal that lingers in the lyrics. The repeated refrain 'F*** you for everything' serves as a cathartic release of pent-up emotions, a raw declaration of standing up for oneself and moving forward from a toxic relationship.

Letra de FU4E
Vídeo de FU4E

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