ZoomcraftLiquidoAño: 2008Canciones del disco 'Zoomcraft'Zoomlevel 1.0: Acting LargeDrop Your PantsA One Song Band2 Square MetersPop the BottleBeyond the TurmoilOn a MissionZoomlevel 2.0: Flying HighHypocriteWay to MarsGameboyMercuryZoomlevel 3.0: The AfterglowWe Are ThemBest StrategyEasyAgree to Stay+ LiquidoLetra Double DeckerLetra NarcoticLetra Made In CaliforniaLetra TiredLetra Ticket To AnywhereLetra Swing ItLetra Play Some RockLetra Doubledecker+ Letras de Liquido Discografía Biografía Ranking Foro