vero1997Contactar | TOP SOCIOS/AS |
Foro de Patito feo
salgao: hola como estan solo queria decirles que si alguien me podria dar el correo de anto o de algun otro del programa si saben mi correo es adios
Respuesta de vero1997: Hello is not so nobody is losing mail antonela hello live in this world besides those artists do not create post in public places (I mean in unpaid pages) Not going to give you what I know one artist here in India and not give it removes every time they begin a series or novel ok Understand or get it back to explain It is forbidden to speak
Foro de Patito feo
kmilaurita: mi prodrama favorito es patito foe porque me considero una DIVINA.
Respuesta de vero1997: lizzie mcguire patito feo hannah zac y cody Cory en la casa blanca J.O.N.A.S CASI ANGELES WIZARDS OF WAVERLY PLACE en ese orden ok chauuu