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Foro de The jones brothers
mayitaxlinda: love the jonas Boys quiro that know that in venezuela eexiste a condition(state) called anzoategui is there are thousands of admiradoras of the jonas that estan anciosa from that they come for venezuela I love them uinformenme of everything for my msn For the jonas it is an invitation to our beautiful country
Respuesta de dannyjonas: pues la neta los jonas son los mejores del mundo chikas si o no ??? son los mas sexies del planeta
Foro de The jones brothers
mayitaxlinda: love the jonas Boys quiro that know that in venezuela eexiste a condition(state) called anzoategui is there are thousands of admiradoras of the jonas that estan anciosa from that they come for venezuela I love them uinformenme of everything for my msn For the jonas it is an invitation to our beautiful country
Foro de The jones brothers
mayitaxlinda: cuando vendran los jonas a venezuela chicos cuando vengan van a conocer a los fans de anzoategui somos 220mienbros y en el club oficial somos 3000 miembros