

Kate Bush

'Houdini' se estrenó el . Este tema está incluido en el disco 'The Dreaming'

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I wait at the table,
And hold hands with weeping strangers
Wait for you to join the group

The tambourine jingle-jangles
The medium roams and rambles
Not taken in, I break the circle

I want this man
To go away now

With a kiss
I'd pass the key
And feel your tongue
Teasing and receiving.
With your spit
Still on my lip
You hit the water
Him and I in the room
To prove you are with us too

He's using code that only you and I know
This is no trick of his
This is your magic

I'd catch the cues
Watching you
Hoping you'd do something wrong

Everybody thinks you'll never make it
But every time you escape

'Rosabel believe,
Not even eternity
Can hold Houdini!'

\"Rosabel, believe!\"

Through the glass
I'd watch you breathe
(\"Not even eternity\")
Bound and drowned
And paler than you've ever been
(\"will hold Houdini!\")

With your life
The only thing in my mind
We pull you from the water


You (\"Hou-di-ni\")
And I and Rosabel believe

Vídeo con letra
Disco 'The Dreaming'

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