Der Tod Wuotans (the Death Of Wuotan) de Burzum

Der Tod Wuotans (the Death Of Wuotan)


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Der Tod Wuotans (the Death Of Wuotan)

Drums of war sound. warriors are gathered to fight on the wigri?r
plain. charging men, wolves, ravens and gods, worms and beasts of
darkness; the plain is lit with fire. blood is flowing, bits of
flesh, severed limbs, smashed skulls and bodies lie strewn across
the plain. screams cut the air, screams of anger and pain, the
sound of metal blades and armour clashing, clubs smashing bodies.
then, for a brief moment, everything stops. it is as if the
universe holds its breath. wuotan has fallen on the wigri?r
plain; swallowed by fanjariho. for a moment the time stands
still. for wuotan; hail and joy!

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