Take Cover
EvanescenceAl final de la letra 'Take Cover' podrás comentar sobre ella y acceder a más canciones de Evanescence.
Take Cover
[Verse 1]
By the way that you talk to me
I can see the lie you're dreaming I'll believe
By the way, don't you forget who you are now
'Cause that's not your name
[Chorus 1]
Oh you better take cover
('Cause I'm on my way now)
I'm coming back to take your world down
Move over, if you can
'Cause I never lost my crown
[Verse 2]
Slave to your insecurity
That's what drove you down in the first place
But you haven't learned a thing
Caught in your thick web of lies
Gonna be the bitch you make me out to be
[Chorus 2]
Oh you better take cover
(Nothing you can say now)
You underestimated my wrath
Move over, if you can
I'm gonna give the love back
So you want to play with me?
After it all - your ego, your greed
You dug your grave so come on inside and rest in peace
[Chorus 3]
Take cover
(Cause I'm on my way now)
I'm gonna have to take you all down
Move over, if you can
'Cause I never lost my crown
En 'Take Cover' de Evanescence, la letra nos sumerge en un ambiente de desafío y empoderamiento. Desde el principio, el tono desafiante se hace presente al insinuar una confrontación con aquellos que intentan engañarnos o subestimarnos... Significado de la letra
+ Evanescence
Biografía de Evanescence
Evanescence: Una Sinfonía de Oscuridad y Luz
Ranking de Evanescence
Evanescence no está entre los 500 artistas más apoyados y visitados de esta semana, su mejor puesto ha sido el 25º en mayo de 2007.
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