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Foro de Tokio Hotel
maggi_kaulitz: bue resultaaaa qe puede ser qe tengamos entradas vips y seamos las primeras en entrar hay qe ver pero puede ser......stoy re contentaaaaaaaaa
Respuesta de maggi_kaulitz: eh no entiedno ingles??????es qe no em acuerdo gracias a mi maestraaaa
Foro de Tokio Hotel
tokiohotel_BTGG_1: pues estaba por ahi, y me encontre con esta foto decia Tom y su bebe, no se si sea verdad, bueno aqui les dejo la foto espero salgo
Respuesta de maggi_kaulitz: no no es verdad debe ser de alguien xqe si ya lo ven con un bebe dicen qe es su hijo si la ven ejm. son su prima si tiene dicen qe es la novia y siempre inventan cosas no hay qe creer nada de lo qe dice internet ni nada de esoooo y sino debe ser mio el hijo ahre nono debe ser mentiraaaaaa
Foro de Tokio Hotel
maggi_kaulitz: bue resultaaaa qe puede ser qe tengamos entradas vips y seamos las primeras en entrar hay qe ver pero puede ser......stoy re contentaaaaaaaaa
Respuesta de tokiohotel_BTGG_1: you know what? that's good no? well for you
Foro de Tokio Hotel
㋖MaRi$_UnD_BiLL㋖: nu c k pasha! pero no puedo postear nove!! grrr help!!
Respuesta de maggi_kaulitz: xqe no?????qe paso
Foro de Tokio Hotel
maggi_kaulitz: bue resultaaaa qe puede ser qe tengamos entradas vips y seamos las primeras en entrar hay qe ver pero puede ser......stoy re contentaaaaaaaaa
Foro de Tokio Hotel
maggi_kaulitz: Hey there! Thank you for your kind e-mail and your support! The boys really appreciate it!! :-) As the guys receive loads of mails per day, they unfortunately can´t answer all the mails themselves. Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg are very happy to get e-mails from their fans though and try to read them all! :-) Greetings from Germany Rock on, qe copado????*.* siiiiiiiiiii iupi
Respuesta de liyla: jajaj danke
Foro de Tokio Hotel
maggi_kaulitz: Hey there! Thank you for your kind e-mail and your support! The boys really appreciate it!! :-) As the guys receive loads of mails per day, they unfortunately can´t answer all the mails themselves. Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg are very happy to get e-mails from their fans though and try to read them all! :-) Greetings from Germany Rock on, qe copado????*.* siiiiiiiiiii iupi
Respuesta de ♥jeииyfe: jaja...sii!!
Foro de Tokio Hotel
maggi_kaulitz: Hey there! Thank you for your kind e-mail and your support! The boys really appreciate it!! :-) As the guys receive loads of mails per day, they unfortunately can´t answer all the mails themselves. Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg are very happy to get e-mails from their fans though and try to read them all! :-) Greetings from Germany Rock on, qe copado????*.* siiiiiiiiiii iupi
Respuesta de ferx: jajaja...siii,,aca en america es como cuenta,,pero alla nose!!
Foro de Tokio Hotel
maggi_kaulitz: Hey there! Thank you for your kind e-mail and your support! The boys really appreciate it!! :-) As the guys receive loads of mails per day, they unfortunately can´t answer all the mails themselves. Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg are very happy to get e-mails from their fans though and try to read them all! :-) Greetings from Germany Rock on, qe copado????*.* siiiiiiiiiii iupi
Respuesta de alea_y_bill!!: loq me da risa esq el traductor en vz d poner Bill pone bill como una cuenta...jaja...xq los ingleses ponen bill como cuenta bankria o documento d lei?? noloc!!!
Foro de Tokio Hotel
maggi_kaulitz: Hey there! Thank you for your kind e-mail and your support! The boys really appreciate it!! :-) As the guys receive loads of mails per day, they unfortunately can´t answer all the mails themselves. Bill, Tom, Gustav and Georg are very happy to get e-mails from their fans though and try to read them all! :-) Greetings from Germany Rock on, qe copado????*.* siiiiiiiiiii iupi
Respuesta de ferx: ey donde dice la cuenta es "Bill" que el traductor hasta traduce eso,,jeje
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