*Sofii R..



Foro de Wisin & Yandel

bambin69: para los ke saben de buena musica


Respuesta de *Sofii Rose //GUNNER//: Take me down to the paradise city Where the grass is green And the girls are pretty Take me home (Oh, won't you please take me home) Just an urchin livin' under the street I'm a hard case that's tough to beat I'm your charity case So by me somethin' to eat I'll pay you at another time Take it to the end of the line Rags to riches Or so they say You gotta Keep pushin' for the fortune and fame You know it's, it's all a gamble When it's just a game You treat it like a capitol crime Everybody' doin' their time CHORUS x2 Strapped in the chair of the city's gas chamber Wh

Foro de Wisin & Yandel

bambin69: para los ke saben de buena musica


Respuesta de *Sofii Rose //GUNNER//: Party gonna happen at the union hall Shaking to the rhythm 'til everybody fall Picking up my woman in my Chevrolet Glory hallelujah, gonna rock the night away I'm gonna roll roll roll I'm gonna roll roll roll I'm gonna take this town, turn it around I'm gonna roll roll roll Now there's a blue suede bopping on a high heeled shoe Balling round together like a wrecking crew Oh! Be bopper lubba baby what I say You gotta get a dose of rock and roll on each and every day We're gonna roll roll roll We're gonna roll roll roll We're gonna take this town, turn it around We're gonna

Foro de Wisin & Yandel

bambin69: para los ke saben de buena musica


Respuesta de *Sofii Rose //GUNNER//: I wish i had an angel For one moment of love I wish i had your angel Tonight Deep into a dying day I took a step outside an innocent heart Prepare to hate me fall when i may This night will hurt you like never before Old loves they die hard Old lies they die harder I wish i had an angel For one moment of love I wish i had your angel Your virgin mary undone I`m in love with my lust Burning angelwings to dust I wish i had your angel tonight I`m going down so frail 'n cruel Drunken disguise changes all the rules Old loves... I wish... Greatest thrill Not to kill But to have

Foro de Wisin & Yandel

bambin69: para los ke saben de buena musica


Respuesta de *Sofii Rose //GUNNER//: Daddy's flown across the ocean leaving just a memory snapshot in the family album daddy what else did you leave for me? daddy, what'd'ja leave behind for me?!? all in all it was just a brick in the wall. all in all it was all just bricks in the wall. "you! yes, you! stand still laddy!" We don't need no education We dont need no thought control No dark sarcasm in the classroom Teachers leave them kids alone Hey! teachers! leave them kids alone! All in all it's just another brick in the wall. All in all you're just another brick in the wall. We don't need no education We dont

Foro de Wisin & Yandel

bambin69: para los ke saben de buena musica


Respuesta de *Sofii Rose //GUNNER//: I kept the right ones out And let the wrong ones in Had an angel of mercy to see me through all my sins There were times in my life When I was goin' insane Tryin to walk through The pain When I lost my grip And I hit the floor Yeah, I thought I could leave, but couldn't get out the door I was so sick and tired Of livin' a lie I was wishin that I Would die Chorus: It's Amazing With the blink of an eye you finally see the light ohhh It's Amazing When the moment arrives that you know you'll be alright yeaah It's Amazing And I'm sayin' a prayer for the desperate hearts toni

Foro de Wisin & Yandel

bambin69: para los ke saben de buena musica


Respuesta de *Sofii Rose //GUNNER//: Say your prayers little one don't forget, my son to include everyone tuck you in, warm within keep you free from sin till the sandman he comes sleep with one eye open gripping your pillow tight exit light enter night take my hand off to never never land something's wrong, shut the light heavy thoughts tonight and they aren't of snow white dreams of war, dreams of liars dreams of dragon's fire and of things that will bite sleep with one eye open gripping your pillow tight exit light enter night take my hand off to never never land now I lay me down to s

Foro de Wisin & Yandel

bambin69: para los ke saben de buena musica


Respuesta de *Sofii Rose //GUNNER//: Load up on guns and Bring your friends It's fun to lose And to pretend She's over bored And self assured Oh no, I know A dirty word Hello, hello, hello, how low?(x3) hello, hello, hello With the lights out it's less dangerous Here we are now Entertain us I feel stupid and contagious Here we are now Entertain us A mulatto An albino A mosquito My Libido Yeah! I'm worse at what I do best And for this gift I feel blessed Our little group has always been And always will until the end Hello, hello, hello, how low? (x3) hello, hello, hello With the lights out it's

Foro de Red Hot Chili Peppers

William anarkista antijudios: Vengo a predicar mi puta boz kejona,diganme xq karajo siempre las vandas d musika tienen ke tokar kon otras vandas?q ganan con eso?n entiendo,xq te gusta una vanada y justo sakan un tema kon otra vanda q odias a muerte ,eso es una pelotudes lpm.una kosa es x ejemplo el vaterista d slipknot q remplaso al d metallica en una gira eso es entendible,pero ejemplo linkin park q sako un tema kon el trolo d jaz ,x aver echo eso digo aora HUREEE UZ LINKIN PARK ,si ay algo q odio son alos relijiosos ,judios,violadore,putos infieles y pajeros q sakan temas kon otras vandas.asta donde yo se creo q los red


Respuesta de *Sofii Rose //GUNNER//: pero tmb hubo bandas q hicieron temas con otras q me encantaron x ejemplo los guns con steven tyler o aerosmith con carlos santana entre otras

Foro de Don Omar

Sofy... : Con una espectacular puesta en escena, que incluyó fuegos artificiales y bailarines que interpretaron a personajes de la película Avatar, el cantante Don Omar nuevamente conquistó al multitudinario público de la Quinta Vergara. Cerca de la una de la mañana de hoy, miércoles, el boricua subió al escenario para mostrar lo mejor de su repertorio musical, especialmente éxitos de su último disco “I Don” y de “King of the Kings”, con los cuales puso de rodillas al temido monstruo, que tempranamente comenzó a corear sus temas y ovacionar a su ídolo. Como el mejor domador de leones, Don Omar hiz


Respuesta de *Sofii Rose //GUNNER//: 15 mil personas??? despues dicen q es mentira cuando decimos que en su puta vida van a llenar un estadio

Foro de Don Omar

William anarkista antijudios: En mtv ay un programa q pasan las vidas d los miyonarios(para q ala gente le d envidia y trate d yegar lejos) y en ese programa el otro dia ustubo don kagar, bieron cuando siente verguenza ajena? Bueno eso centi al ber el programa,don kagar tenia autos q parecian d mafioso q idiota,los otros miyonarios tenia lamorchines y autos tunig,este pajero tiene el dinero para comprarlo pero piensa ke le keda bien aserce el mafioso solamente xq era narko antes.el pajero tenia una kasa d lujo si muy bonito ,pero alado d los otros miyonarios esa kasa dava verguenza,el pajero tenia un telebisor plasma d 41


Respuesta de *Sofii Rose //GUNNER//: que mierda van a ser caracteristicas de los regetoneros los raperos lo vienen usando desde la decada del 70 asi q no vengas con pelotudeses

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