Rated XXXKool G. Rap & DJ PoloAño: 1996Canciones del disco 'Rated XXX'I Ain't Trickin'Under 21 Not PermittedNo More Mister Nice GuyCheck the BitchFuck U ManTalk Like SexLifestyles of the Rich and FamousEnter the DragonI'm Fly (Original Version)Rhyme TymeRiker's IslandKeep it Swingin'+ Kool G. Rap & DJ PoloLetra Bad To The BoneLetra CarsLetra Check The BitchLetra Edge Of SanityLetra Go For Your GunsLetra Ill Street BluesLetra Jive TalkLetra Kool Is Back+ Letras de Kool G. Rap & DJ Polo Discografía Biografía Ranking Foro