The Whole EnchiladaGuttermouthAño: 2017Canciones del disco 'The Whole Enchilada'Spud Like TorsoSoundtrack to the End of the WorldNew Car SmellPerma WalkaboutMail Order BrideThe Human MulliganThe PointFreckles the PonyI've Got It MadeA Punk Rock Tale of WoeShitty SituationOld ManPerfect World - Bonus TrackA Boy and His Love Gun - Bonus TrackSaturday Truck Fever - Bonus Track+ GuttermouthLetra Hot Dog To The HeadLetra GustoLetra Happy Loving CouplesLetra LipstickLetra Looking Good Is All That MattersLetra Trinket Trading, Tick Toting, Toothless, Tired, TrampsLetra GuttermouthLetra Shes Got That Look+ Letras de Guttermouth Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos Foro