Canciones del disco 'Final Fantasy X: Original Soundtrack'
- Listen to My Story
- To Zanarkand
- Prelude [FFX]
- Tidus's Theme
- Otherworld
- Run!!
- This Is Your Story
- Creep
- Battle Theme
- Victory Fanfare [FFX]
- Game Over
- Out of the Frying Pan
- Leap in the Dark
- Underwater Ruins
- Oui are Al Bhed
- Enemy Attack
- The Blitzers
- Besaid
- Spira Unplugged
- Hymn of the Fayth
- Phantoms
- The Trials
- Hymn - Valefor
- The Summoning
- Braska's Daughter
- Good Night
- Yuna's Theme
- Movement in Green
- The Sending
- Calm Before the Storm
- Hymn - Ifrit
- Luca
- Grand Maester Mika
- Decision on the Dock
- The Splendid Performance
- Face-Off
- Blitz Off
- Auron's Theme
- Mi'ihen Highroad
- Chocobo Jam
- The Travel Agency
- They May Pass
- Seymour's Theme
- Twilight
- Djose Temple
- Hymn - Ixion
- Ride The Shoopuf?
- Rikku's Theme
- Guadosalam
- Thunder Plains