50:50@50Fairport ConventionAño: 2017Canciones del disco '50:50@50'Eleanor's DreamYe Mariners All - LiveStep by StepThe Naked Highwayman - LiveDanny Jack's Reward - Expensive VersionJesus on the Mainline - LiveDevil's WorkMercy Bay - LiveOur Bus Rolls OnPortmeirion - LiveThe Lady of CarlisleLord Marlborough - LiveSummer by the CherwellJohn Condon - Live+ Fairport ConventionLetra The DeserterLetra Eastern RainLetra Throwaway Street PuzzleLetra Book SongLetra Cajun WomanLetra Crazy Man MichaelLetra Dirty LinenLetra Farewell, Farewell+ Letras de Fairport Convention Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos Foro