The Breeze: An Appreciation of JJ CaleEric ClaptonAño: 2016Canciones del disco 'The Breeze: An Appreciation of JJ Cale'Call Me the BreezeRock and Roll RecordsSomedayLiesSensitive KindCajun MoonMagnoliaI Got the Same Old BluesSince You Said GoodbyeSongbirdI'll Be There (If You Ever Want Me)The Old Man and MeTrain to NowhereStarboundDon't WaitCrying Eyes+ Eric ClaptonLetra Change The WorldLetra Lagrimas en el cieloLetra Tears In HeavenLetra Bad LoveLetra Before You Accuse MeLetra Black Summer RainLetra Blue Eyes BlueLetra Born In Time+ Letras de Eric Clapton Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos ForoBiografía de Eric ClaptonEric Clapton: La Leyenda del Blues y Rock