I want you so hard (Boy's bad news) de Eagles Of Death Metal

I want you so hard (Boy's bad news)

Eagles Of Death Metal


'I want you so hard, I want you so good' opens the energetic song 'I Want You So Hard (Boy's Bad News)' by Eagles of Death Metal, setting a passionate tone right from the start. It's a plea filled with desire, but also with a hint of uncertainty: 'But can you trust me? Yes, you know you could.' The singer acknowledges the doubts that may arise when pursuing a new romantic connection.

As the song progresses, the lyrics touch on the influence of friends and their opinions: 'My friends are talkin' and they're tellin' you...' There's a warning mixed with concern as the friends caution against getting involved with the singer: 'Don't waste your time cause the boy's bad news.' The repetition of this sentiment adds weight to the message, emphasizing the potential consequences of ignoring their advice.

Despite the warnings, the singer's passion and persuasion come through strongly: 'Now take a chance, momma, you know you should.' There's a sense of urgency and longing in the plea to trust instincts and give the relationship a chance: 'Trust your instincts and let me in, just be my ride and I'll be your friend.' It's a mix of vulnerability and determination, a heartfelt appeal to be seen beyond the rumors and judgments.

Ultimately, the refrain 'The boy's bad news' serves as a powerful declaration, encapsulating the conflicting emotions and external influences at play in the narrative of the song. It's a plea for understanding, a defiance against preconceived notions, and a raw expression of desire all wrapped up in a catchy, rock-infused tune.

Letra de I want you so hard (Boy's bad news)
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