The Power WithinDragonforceAño: 2012Canciones del disco 'The Power Within'Holding OnFallen WorldCry ThunderGive Me the NightWings of LibertySeasonsHeart of the StormDie by the SwordLast Man StandsSeasons (Acoustic Version)Power of the Ninja SwordHeart of the Storm (alternative chorus version)+ DragonforceLetra Fury Of The Storm (en español)Letra The Fire Still BurnsLetra SeasonsLetra No MoreLetra My Spirit Will Go OnLetra Storming the Burning FieldsLetra Trail Of Broken HeartsLetra Body Breakdown+ Letras de Dragonforce Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos ForoBiografía de DragonforceDragonForce: Una Oda a la Velocidad y la Técnica en el Metal