Discografía de Dover9 discos de DoverComplicationsDover(2015)I Ka KenéDover(2010)Follow the City LightsDover(2006)The FlameDover(2003)It's Good to Be Me!Dover(2002)I Was Dead for 7 Weeks in the City of AngelsDover(2001)Late at NightDover(1999)Devil Came to MeDover(1997)SisterDover(1995)+ DoverLetra Free KittenLetra Let me out (en español)Letra Loli JacksonLetra All My MoneyLetra Come With MeLetra Distortion SheLetra La TurmisLetra Leave Me Alone+ Letras de Dover Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos ForoBiografía de DoverDover: La Historia de una Banda Icónica