Once Upon a TimeDonna SummerAño: 1977Canciones del disco 'Once Upon a Time'Once Upon a TimeFaster and Faster to NowhereFairy Tale HighSay Something NiceNow I Need YouWorking the Midnight ShiftQueen for a DayIf You Got It Flaunt ItA Man Like YouSweet Romance(Theme) Once Upon a TimeDance Into My LifeRumour Has ItI Love YouHappily Ever After+ Donna SummerLetra On The RadioLetra Back In Love AgainLetra Enough is enoughLetra Hot Stuff (en español)Letra State of independenceLetra All Through The NIghtLetra BreakdownLetra End Of The Week+ Letras de Donna Summer Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos ForoBiografía de Donna SummerDonna Summer: La Reina del Disco