PacifisticuffsDiablo Swing OrchestraAño: 2017Canciones del disco 'Pacifisticuffs'KnucklehugsThe Age Of Vulture CultureSuperhero JagganathVision Of The PurblindLady Clandestine ChainbreakerJigsaw HustlePulse Of The IncipientOde To The InnocentInterruptionCul-De-Sac SemanticsKarma BonfireClimbing The EyewallPorch Of Perception+ Diablo Swing OrchestraLetra InfraloveLetra Bedlam SticksLetra Ragdoll Physics (en español)Letra Ragdoll PhysicsLetra D'angeloLetra Pink Noise WaltzLetra Poetic Pitbull RevolutionsLetra Balrog Boogie+ Letras de Diablo Swing Orchestra Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos Foro