Legends in MusicChuck BerryAño: 2013Canciones del disco 'Legends in Music'Sweet Little Rock & RollerRoll Over BeethovenRock & Roll MusicNo Particular Place To GoBrown Eyed Handsome ManThirty DaysLittle QueenieCarolPromised LandMemphisToo Much Monkey BusinessMy Ding A LingReelin' and Rockin'Johnny B. GoodeMaybelleneNadineHail, Hail, Rock And RollSweet Little Sixteen+ Chuck BerryLetra Brown Eyed Handsome ManLetra Bye Bye JohnnyLetra Let It RockLetra MaybelleneLetra No Particualr Place To GoLetra Oh Baby DollLetra Reelin And RockinLetra Thirty Days+ Letras de Chuck Berry Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos Foro