E.P.I.C. (Every Play is Crucial)B.o.BAño: 2011Canciones del disco 'E.P.I.C. (Every Play is Crucial)'EpicWrongGuest ListWhat Are We DoingPerfect SymmetryNew York, New YorkBoom BapWelcome to the Jungle (Freestyle)5 On The KushHow ’Bout DatThings Get WorseFucked UpStrange CloudsFriday Night StarHigh+ B.o.BLetra Haterz (ft. Big Kuntry King, Juvenile, Rick Ross)Letra FameLetra Don' Tell Me FallLetra Ghost in the machine (en español)Letra AttractionLetra American DreaminLetra Beast ModeLetra Circles+ Letras de B.o.B Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos ForoBiografía de B.o.BB.o.B: La Historia Completa de un Artista Polifacético