The CrusherAmon AmarthAño: 2001Canciones del disco 'The Crusher'Bastards of a Lying BreedMasters Of WarThe Sound Of Eight HoovesRisen From The Sea 2000As Long As The Raven FliesA Fury DivineAnnihilation Of HammerfestThe Fall Through GinnungagapReleasing Surtur's FireEyes Of Horror+ Amon AmarthLetra As Long As The Raven FliesLetra North Sea StromLetra The Beheading Of A KingLetra The Dragon's Flight Across The WavesLetra ...And Soon The World Will Cease To BeLetra Free will sacrificeLetra Twilight of the Thunder God (en español)Letra Pursuit of vikings+ Letras de Amon Amarth Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos ForoBiografía de Amon AmarthAmon Amarth: La Saga del Metal Vikingo