No más de ti de Allison

No más de ti



'Love like these today alone' starts off the song with a contemplative tone, as the lyrics delve into feelings of longing and reflection. The singer expresses a sense of hurt and disappointment, acknowledging that they must come to terms with the end of a relationship. There is a sense of closure and self-preservation in the decision to leave, fueled by the realization that some things were left unsaid. The repetition of 'because of it' in the chorus highlights a sense of finality and resolve in moving on. Overall, the lyrics convey a mix of sorrow, acceptance, and a determination to let go and move forward.

Letra de No más de ti
Vídeo de No más de ti

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  • Allison no está entre los 500 artistas más apoyados y visitados de esta semana, su mejor puesto ha sido el 32º en mayo de 2007.

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