Thirty Miles WestAlan JacksonAño: 2012Canciones del disco 'Thirty Miles West'Gonna Come Back As A Country SongYou Go Your WayEverything But The WingsTalk Is CheapLook Her In The Eye And LieSo You Don't Have To Love Me AnymoreDixie HighwayShe Don't Get HighHer Life's A SongNothing FancyLong Way To GoLife Keeps Bringing Me DownWhen I Saw You Leaving (For Nisey)+ Alan JacksonLetra Hey Baby I Love YouLetra AmarilloLetra Another Good ReasonLetra Everything I LoveLetra Gone CountryLetra The Angels CriedLetra Designated DrinkerLetra Don't Close Your Eyes+ Letras de Alan Jackson Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos ForoBiografía de Alan JacksonAlan Jackson: La Historia de una Leyenda del Country