Waiting to InhaleAfromanAño: 2008Canciones del disco 'Waiting to Inhale'Smoke Some GreenColt 40ty FivaI Know All About YouDicc Hang LoI Feel GoodMy ChunkIdahoIn Your PussyKentucky'Ho StopperJumped Up, G'd UpPoBitch SkitPoBitchFun In WashingtonCome OverPimpin' PennsylvaniaAfter The Party's Over+ AfromanLetra Because I Was HighLetra Police Blow My WadLetra Dope FiendLetra Afroman Is Coming To TownLetra I've Been Hustlin'Letra Late At NightLetra Special to MeLetra Beautiful Girl With Me+ Letras de Afroman Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos Foro