AFI (The Blood Album)AfiAño: 2017Canciones del disco 'AFI (The Blood Album)'Dark SnowStill A StrangerAureliaHidden KnivesGet HurtAbove the BridgeSo Beneath YouSnow CatsDumb KidsPink EyesFeed From The FloorWhite OfferingsShe Speaks The LanguageThe Wind That Carries Me Away+ AfiLetra Crop TubLetra File 13 (en español)Letra Beautiful ThievesLetra A Single SecondLetra Third SeasonLetra He Who Laughs LastLetra Keeping Out Of Direct SunlightLetra Smile+ Letras de Afi Discografía Biografía Ranking Fotos ForoBiografía de AfiAFI: La Evolución de una Banda Icónica